Richard Groß

IT Archaeologist


Contract Tests in Kotlin

Note I now call these tests port contract tests to differentiate them from api contract tests that verify your understanding of an api. Api contract tests are the things you write when you do consumer-driven contract testing. Before 2018 Martin Fowler used to call them integration contract tests.

In my current Kotlin project we often have two code elements that implement the same interface. We have InMemoryXyzRepositories that double PostgresXyzRepositories during tests. We also have a GuavaEventBus that we want to switch on when our environment does not provide a KafkaEventBus.

How can we be sure that both pieces of code behave the same way and continue to do so? Thankfully we found an article on Contract Tests by J. B. Rainsberger.

A contract test is a test were you document your understanding of the behavior of an interface. To do this, you need an interface, your favorite test framework and at least one interface implementation.

I’ll demonstrate the idea with some code. The complete code can be found on Github.

abstract class DogsContract { 1
    protected abstract fun dogs(): Dogs 2

    fun `a dog in the repo should be findable by its id`() {
        // arrange
        val testling = dogs()
        val adog = Dog(DogId("1"), "Spike")

        // act
        val result = testling.findById(

        // assert

interface Dogs { 3
    fun put(dog: Dog)
    fun findById(id: DogId): Dog?
1 Create an abstract contact, where you document your understanding of the behavior
2 a way to get your interface implementation; the method might take parameters if you want to initialize your implementation with specific data
3 The interface for which you create the contract
Note Dogs is a repository which can be used to retrieve the domain object Dog. I like the convention where the name of the repository is the plural of the domain object for which it is responsible. This keeps my domain clear of technical terms like Repository or Database.

After you have written your contract, you can write the implementation and the test for the implementation:

class InMemoryDogsTest: DogsContract() {
    override fun dogs(): Dogs { return InMemoryDogs() }

class InMemoryDogs: Dogs {
    private val dogs = ConcurrentHashMap<DogId, Dog>(16)

    override fun put(dog: Dog) { dogs.put(, dog) }
    override fun findById(id: DogId): Dog? { return dogs.get(id) }

Maven, Gradle and IntelliJ will run all implementations of DogsContract. The gutter icon in IntelliJ will ask you if you want to run a specific implementation or all of them.

I like to put the XyzContract in the same package as the interface and likewise for the XyzTest. If Dogs is in src/main/de.richargh.application, then DogsContract is in src/test/de.richargh.application.

I also like to tag my InMemoryDogsTest differently than a RemotePartnerServiceDogsTest. The former gets no annotation because it’s part of my fast test suite that I want to execute before every commit. The latter gets a @Tag("remotepartner") because I need infrastructure outside my JVM container to run it and I will for the most part let my build pipeline do the executing.

The awesome part is that I can now have two or more implementations of the same interface and they will stay in sync. Writing these contract tests does not take much effort on my part and they allow me to express contract behavior the same way I express any other behavior.